
Apple Pie
Cranberry Orange Relish
Marshmallow Crème Fruit Dip
Tropical Fruit Salad

Apple Pie
Apple Pie

My husband loves this apple pie recipe. The whole house smells of sweet apples and cinnamon! Need I say more?

1Cranberry Orange Relish

This is a recipe that is very fresh tasting. If you are looking for something that is different from the typical cranberry sauce, this relish is a great departure.

1Marshmallow Crème Fruit Dip

There are a couple of reasons why I love this fruit dip. First, it goes practically with all fruit. Second, it is so easy! Just two ingredients says it all!

1Tropical Fruit Salad

Tropical fruit blended with a lime syrup that is so refreshing. Use the fruit listed or use whatever fruit you have on hand. I highly recommend fresh pineapple in your dish because the pineapple and lime combination is delicious. I could just eat a whole bowl of that!


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